Where is AUS10designs located?
AUS10designs is located in North Carolina, USA.
What type of helmets do you paint?
AUS10designs is currently focused around skate, half cut style helmets, BMX full face or MTB, and motocross helmets. Special request helmets may also be made such as welding, snowboard, motorycle, and hard hats.
How do I get started?
To receive a quote to have your helmet painted, use the contact link to get started. Provide the name and exact model of the helmet you wish to have painted. Only NEW will be accepted for the painting process. Plain helmets without factory graphics, solid black or white, are prefered.
What type of paint is used?
Automotive refinishing paints and clear coats.
Can I return my helmet?
Since all helmets are custom made, returns will not be accepted.
Are paint deposits refundable?
Deposits are non refundable. This guarantees serious buyers a spot in line and ensures my time is not wasted.
NOTICE: Energy drink style logos will not be permitted unless you are a sponsored athlete, or have affilation with said corporation/permission to use logos.